St. Patricks's Day Ideas

Great ideas for St. Patrick's Day decorations, crafts, recipes and activities

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    Filed under: St Patricks Day Ideas by admin

    4 Responses to “IRISH FLAG – ST PATRICKS DAY”

    1. Are you a black Loyalist and going to Burn an Irish Flag today?
      You’d never see an Irish man, burning a British flag on St Patricks Day

    2. Why would we burn the Union Jack? We hardly did anything to the Brits, ever.
      It’s always the people with a guilty mind who have to be so vindictive and demonstrative towards their victims.
      References :

    3. Answer:…Er NO! A bit perplexed at your attempt at a question…Some details if you would be so kind.
      Black Irish Iberian, loyalist…?like UDF?
      Ole Ian says the British taint will keep Ireland separate for another hundred years…
      In my heart I believe he is Wrong!
      Brits exacerbated Irish differences into social feuding for THEIR own benefit…Purging their hate will take time, but not that much!
      I know of "black loyalists" as American slaves recruited by England in 1775…Don’t see how that relates to the Irish flag.
      References :

    4. Go Ireland!
      References :

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