St. Patricks's Day Ideas

Great ideas for St. Patrick's Day decorations, crafts, recipes and activities

  • St. Patrick’s Day Ideas

  • February 2025
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  • St. Patrick’s Day

    Feb 19th

    This short was released a few years back on ‘Sumo of the Opera.’ It is going to be available again on ‘Lessons from the Sock Drawer — A Collection of Veggie Shorts and Briefs,’ coming May 6. Informal poll here — would you like to see Big Idea make more shorts like this one?

    Duration : 0:8:32

    Filed under: St Patricks Day Crafts by admin

    20 Responses to “St. Patrick’s Day”

    1. I’m sorry, but …
      I’m sorry, but that’s not how it works.The Lord says to worship Him and Him alone.There is no such thing as other gods and godesses. Only Jesus. John 3:16 says that God loves you ( I mean LOVES, like more than anything. If you REALLY think about it that’s a WHOLE LOT ) so much, he sent his son to die ( If and or when you become a parent, you’ll understand that’s hard to do ) so that if you believe in him and what he did, you won’t die, but live with him in Heaven forever.I’ll be praying for u.

    2. “They painted with …
      “They painted with all the colors of the wind.” My favorite part XD

    3. It’s not a metaphor …
      It’s not a metaphor!
      It’s a simile!

    4. does anyone know …
      does anyone know that lutfi is also khalil?

    5. u guys should …
      u guys should definitly make mor shorts like this 1!!This short is great!!& that coming from som1 who’s Irish!

    6. hehe, i love this …
      hehe, i love this one

    7. you spelled ” …
      you spelled “incorrect” incorrectly

    8. Great children’s …
      Great children’s account of St Patrick’s life. At least kids can learn that St. Patrick’s Day isn’t just about the color green and Ireland. We, for 4, would love for Big Idea to make more of these shorts, if they are made in the same vein as this one. We enjoyed he short on this film MUCH more than we enjoyed the film it was a part of.

    9. What’s the …
      What’s the difference between a spirit and a ghost? I always thought they were the exact same thing.

    10. Patrick was the one …
      Patrick was the one driven off. They threatened his life, not the other way around. Yeah, one guy would be able to drive thousands of people into the ocean with a stick and a shamrock. You might as well say that Paul threw Nero and all his legions to the lions.

      Besides, if the druids really were Danites, they were obligated by their heritage to worship Patrick’s God–the God of their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Patrick didn’t judge Dan, but shared their ancestral faith with them.

    11. That’s his puppet, …
      That’s his puppet, Ludwig (apparently Khalil’s a Beethoven fan).

    12. “Instead they …
      “Instead they worshiped the things the earth gave them for survival.”
      Like twigs. Believe it or not, they didn’t have lighters, matches, or gasoline back then.
      As for the pond scum, dare I suggest that evolutionists worship it as our supposed ancestors?

    13. Because he’s still …
      Because he’s still in line behind William Tyndale (done), Martin Luther (done), Richard Wurmbrand (in the making), and a whole bunch of other heroes of the faith? Believe me, we could go on for eternity making movies about people like these.

    14. I love how they …
      I love how they incorporated the tune of “Be Thou My Vision” into the soundtrack at the end. I love that song. It’s both powerful and beautiful.

      I notice they showed Patrick’s old master. He’s actually supposed to be dead; he locked himself inside a burning house because he thought Patrick had returned to get revenge. I suppose that fact wouldn’t go over well in a kids story, though.

      Fact: Celtic paganism is likely a descendant of Baal worship brought by the prodigal tribe of Dan.

    15. this is incorect. …
      this is incorect. Fortunatly, (or unfortunatly depending on your point of veiw) people celebrate St. Patricks day because it gives them an excuse to drink and be loud. lol

    16. That is a very …
      That is a very garbled(and insulting) account of Ireland’s patron Saint.

    17. there is still …
      there is still paganism in ireland today ,holy wells, moving statues’ trees with rag,s tied to them ,leaving food out for the dead at all soul,s night,not cutting down fairy tree,s as it is very bad luck,which i would not cut down one as well, and i could mention many more but the video is good for the young one,s

    18. star trek
      star trek

    19. bwahahaha star trek
      bwahahaha star trek

    20. HOW has St. …
      HOW has St. Patrick’s story (real story) never been made into a full motion picture yet?

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