St. Patricks's Day Ideas

Great ideas for St. Patrick's Day decorations, crafts, recipes and activities

  • St. Patrick’s Day Ideas

  • February 2025
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  • st. patrick’s day party..need ideas?

    Feb 22nd

    me and one of my girls are throwing a joined birthday party.
    st. patricks day themed.
    100+ people
    14, 15 years old
    i need ideas.
    stuff like that
    please help!

    ok so i would do the following:

    obvioulsy green and white streamers, clovers hanging fromt he ceiling with green and white tableclothes… have like pots of those gold chocolate coin candy as center peices… and then if it is a dance party have there be only green, yellow and white lights… sprinkle some gold glitter on the table tops
    have green hats with clovers on them available for each guest at the door to where
    have evry guest where green or green and white to the party…
    set a blarney stone by the door for good luck

    make cupcakes with vanilla cake batter but add green food coloring so they are green and have white frosting and then get like gold/yellow sprinkles on top…
    potatoes! anyway you want… they are big in ireland…
    average party food… people wont pay that much attention as long as you use the cupcake idea, potatoes and the pots of chocolate coins ont he tables…
    have apple cider available in beer mugs for guests- the irish like to drink
    irish soda bread
    green m&ms
    green jell-o

    play music people will actually like and dance to… don’t try and get only irish musice because your guests will be like WTH??
    haha… but if you want to i would search online irish dance party music- you never know! mix it in with your music now…

    because you guys are like 14 and 15 party games are not going to be what you and your guests really care about-you will only want to hang out with friends and dance but here are some ideas::
    at the beginning of th eparty tell all your guests that there is a secret pot of gold hidden somewhere (hide it before your guests arrive) an din it is a prize- of your choice (like something small, a gift card or something cheap from the dollar store) and whoever finds it first wins it…
    have a bowl of paper three leaved clovers, and have guests blindfolded pick them out of the bowl one at a time and who ever picks out the four leaved clover wins it’s the luck of the IRISH
    play spin the bottle – have people where kiss me i’m irish pins
    make everyone put on a bright red or pink lipstick- even the guys so funny!- and make them kiss the blarney stone and have written above it on a peice of paper the quote about the blarney stone::

    "There is a stone there,
    That whoever kisses,
    Oh, he never misses
    To grow eloquent.
    ‘Tis he may clamber
    To a lady’s chamber,
    Or become a member
    Of Parliament. "

    sorry that is all i have!
    hope i helped!!

    Filed under: St Patricks Day Activities by admin

    8 Responses to “st. patrick’s day party..need ideas?”

    1. Pin the hat on the leprechaun, scavenger hunt for St. Pat’s day related items: a shamrock or anything green, use your imagination. Do something with pots of gold for the door prizes.
      References :

    2. Download music under "Celtic" or "Irish",

      Irish food really isn’t that great, especially for a party. Maybe some Irish soda bread and then I’d make some pastries and just dye them green with food coloring

      There are lots of fun St. Patrick’s Day hats and green wigs and tiaras in Target’s dollar section. They’ve also got cute little shamrock tattoos things like that

      Try party city too. I’m sure they’ve got some cute balloons, party favors and St. Patrick’s Day decorations.

      Have fun! :o)
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    3. Did you say for 100 people …I suggest movieng to Ireland to avoid the crowd

      but all kidding aside have a leprechaun costume contest
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    4. ok so i would do the following:

      obvioulsy green and white streamers, clovers hanging fromt he ceiling with green and white tableclothes… have like pots of those gold chocolate coin candy as center peices… and then if it is a dance party have there be only green, yellow and white lights… sprinkle some gold glitter on the table tops
      have green hats with clovers on them available for each guest at the door to where
      have evry guest where green or green and white to the party…
      set a blarney stone by the door for good luck

      make cupcakes with vanilla cake batter but add green food coloring so they are green and have white frosting and then get like gold/yellow sprinkles on top…
      potatoes! anyway you want… they are big in ireland…
      average party food… people wont pay that much attention as long as you use the cupcake idea, potatoes and the pots of chocolate coins ont he tables…
      have apple cider available in beer mugs for guests- the irish like to drink
      irish soda bread
      green m&ms
      green jell-o

      play music people will actually like and dance to… don’t try and get only irish musice because your guests will be like WTH??
      haha… but if you want to i would search online irish dance party music- you never know! mix it in with your music now…

      because you guys are like 14 and 15 party games are not going to be what you and your guests really care about-you will only want to hang out with friends and dance but here are some ideas::
      at the beginning of th eparty tell all your guests that there is a secret pot of gold hidden somewhere (hide it before your guests arrive) an din it is a prize- of your choice (like something small, a gift card or something cheap from the dollar store) and whoever finds it first wins it…
      have a bowl of paper three leaved clovers, and have guests blindfolded pick them out of the bowl one at a time and who ever picks out the four leaved clover wins it’s the luck of the IRISH
      play spin the bottle – have people where kiss me i’m irish pins
      make everyone put on a bright red or pink lipstick- even the guys so funny!- and make them kiss the blarney stone and have written above it on a peice of paper the quote about the blarney stone::

      "There is a stone there,
      That whoever kisses,
      Oh, he never misses
      To grow eloquent.
      ‘Tis he may clamber
      To a lady’s chamber,
      Or become a member
      Of Parliament. "

      sorry that is all i have!
      hope i helped!!
      References :

    5. everything green of course!!for food maybe just plan shamrock cookies with green sprinkles or dye.and maybe sprite,water,seven up,ect…dyed stores always have great holiday things and if u want u could even go to a craft store and make stuff like prizes for games and of course games!!!!100+ people thats a lot!make sure u have enough of everything!!!!!!!for game a with nothing u really must buy u could try some way to play around with spin the bottle to make it st patricks dayish(little groups though 100+ people in one big group is well lets say a lot!)

      most of all…
      GOOD LUCK!!!
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    6. St. Pat’s Day is so much fun! Maybe you could make green drinks (kool-aid or lime-aid), green jello and stuff. If it’s a party for girls, maybe they could paint their nails green? A good activity would be to learn the words to an irish song (or learn a few irish words).

      Hooray! Have fun!

      You can download free Irish and Celtic music here (irish rock music, too!), and find out more FUN St. Pat’s info here. Awesome.

      Is Green Beer Safe? 7 FUN Things You MustKnow About St. Patrick’s Day
      References :

    7. Make everything green, all shades of green if you want! Green food and punch! Get green beads for everyone. I got a huge black pot full of green beads last year at the party store for about 20 bucks! Maybe play some cool fun irish music, but not all night. You know kids your age want some good dancing music! If ya’ll are setting up tables maybe have a fake pot of gold on each table surrounded by green clovers. Hmm…for games,activities your age maybe bob for green apples? have the water there bobbing in colored green. Wow you guys are gonna have a blast !!!
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    8. How about a design your own St. Patrick’s Day T-Shirt contest?
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