St. Patricks's Day Ideas

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  • Fun Holiday Activities with Your Horse?

    Feb 24th

    What are some fun holiday activities to do with your horse on St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter?
    I’m serious! What can you do with your HORSE?

    Look up the history of each holiday and see if say their is a traditional dance make up your own dance (walk from this cone to this cone, zig-zag here, run here, etc.)
    *See who’s horse will keep bunny ears on the longest
    * Do a carrot hunt, break up tiny pieces of carrots and scttor them about their stall or paddoc (depending how they are daily) have the owner keep up with how many carrots they find!

    St. PD:
    *Buy washable green paints, and see who can get the most…
    green paint on their horse
    clovers painted on
    the best design
    *Paint a big board with a few colors on it, tell the horse to point to the green, they probably have no training on this, and will reach out to smell it, their for ‘pointing’ at a color see who gets the closest

    for each task who ever wins can get a chocolate bunny, for the owner, or a little clover trinket, and a small bag of treats (or a few treats) for the horse. Everything I mentioned, I was thinkng from the ground, but you could posibly change them into riding somehow. Make sure what ever you do is for fun! And let the owners know that, some people can get really competive!

    Have fun, I may have to do that myself!

    Filed under: St Patricks Day Activities by admin

    6 Responses to “Fun Holiday Activities with Your Horse?”

    1. Most people get someone else to feed the horses the morning after due to hang overs and upset stomachs.
      References :

    2. Whoever gathers the most horse buns in a basket gets a chocolate rabbit!
      References :

    3. Depending on whether your horse is broke to drive and you have access to a buggy or something like that you could always go for a drive. Although that is enjoyable at any time, not just special occasions. That or just a nice trail ride or something, or if all else fails… Stick bunny ears on your horse, or paint shamrocks on his rump.
      References :

    4. Look up the history of each holiday and see if say their is a traditional dance make up your own dance (walk from this cone to this cone, zig-zag here, run here, etc.)
      *See who’s horse will keep bunny ears on the longest
      * Do a carrot hunt, break up tiny pieces of carrots and scttor them about their stall or paddoc (depending how they are daily) have the owner keep up with how many carrots they find!

      St. PD:
      *Buy washable green paints, and see who can get the most…
      green paint on their horse
      clovers painted on
      the best design
      *Paint a big board with a few colors on it, tell the horse to point to the green, they probably have no training on this, and will reach out to smell it, their for ‘pointing’ at a color see who gets the closest

      for each task who ever wins can get a chocolate bunny, for the owner, or a little clover trinket, and a small bag of treats (or a few treats) for the horse. Everything I mentioned, I was thinkng from the ground, but you could posibly change them into riding somehow. Make sure what ever you do is for fun! And let the owners know that, some people can get really competive!

      Have fun, I may have to do that myself!
      References :
      Huge horse person!!!! been around horses since I was born, got MY first horse when I was 6!

    5. A nice relaxing trail ride… TO BORING!!!

      *dress up comp (including saddle and bridle on so you can ride in a circle)

      *have an easter egg (blown eggs) hunt on horse back
      e.g put the eggs in the tree’s where you can reach from horse back and the one with the most gets a prize

      saint pats
      *drink run
      *costume parade (including saddle and bridle on so you can ride in a circle)

      a big paddock
      a tray or bucket
      and water (with Green cordial in it)
      and apples or carrots
      stop watch

      what to do
      1 find a long clear space and place a rope at one end and the full bucket at the other end (a big space needed inbetween)
      2 place carrot/apple in the bucket
      3 everyone hop on your horse and wait at the starting line pick some one to go first
      4 they will then go to the end and the rider has to pick up a carrot/apple with there mouth and run back to the finnish line the horse gets the food
      5 the one that does it the fastest wins (a prize if you want) and the loser must drink some of the cordial (not all and not if you dont all agree on it)
      6 you are dissqualified if your horse eats the food

      Sorry its so long but thats the way the cookie crumbles
      Hope you have fun
      References :
      My last easter hols horse camp+ ponyclub

    6. I live in a small town, and on some of the holidays, IF there is a parade, we ride in it. AND we decorate our horses for it…Labor Day [red white and blue] Same for July 4. When no parade…Valentines, st. paddys…sometimes we will decorate our horses anyways, and ride around town. We always get a good response. People love to see horses…and when the horses are "in costume" they really like it.
      References :

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